A weekly resource for clinicians, administrators and educators to stay in the loop on the latest news and happenings in the K-12 education space, with a special focus on special education, teletherapy and mental health
Special Education
EdSource: How California plans to deter costly special education disputes
California Gov. Gavin Newsom sets aside $100 million for resolving special education conflicts between parents and school districts, which escalated during remote learning. This fund is meant to help parents and schools settle differences before heading to court.
EdWeek: Five Teacher-Recommended Strategies to Support Students With Learning Differences
This Q&A session features educators sharing what the single most effective instructional strategy they have used with students with learning challenges.
NBC Los Angeles: Mental Health Toolkit Available for Students Struggling During Pandemic
Rick Birt, president and CEO of Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD), shares thoughts on the unique challenges teenagers have faced during a year of learning remotely, and introduces mental health toolkit for parents and kids to check in on and address mental health struggles.
Ohio Capital Journal: OSU study: Young adult mental health worsened during pandemic
A study led by researchers at Ohio State University showed adolescent males had worsened mental health during the pandemic.
Fortune: The future of virtual teaching is all about school funding
Over a third of school district leaders across the country are interested in continuing virtual learning after the pandemic, and the global virtual classroom market is expected to reach $19.6 billion by 2024. Many politicians are eager to get involved.
Business Insider: America is facing a teacher shortage, and some school districts are giving out signing bonuses to attract staff
32% of educators say the pandemic has led them to plan to leave the profession earlier than anticipated, leading to a teacher shortage that has many school districts coming up with their own solutions for filling staff positions.
Edutopia: Helping Parents Feel More Comfortable With Tech
This article provides simple ways teachers can boost parental support for the use of technology in their children’s education.
Center for American Progress: Remote Learning and School Reopenings: What Worked and What Didn’t
The Center for American Progress shares key trends that the organization has been tracking during remote learning and school reopening efforts across the United States.