A weekly resource for clinicians, administrators, and educators to stay in the loop on the latest news and happenings in the K-12 education space, with a special focus on special education, teletherapy, and mental health.
NPR: Back To School: Can Special Education Make Up For Lost Time?
Melinda, Danielle Kovach, and John Eisenberg join NPR to discuss the challenges students who receive special education have faced over the past year, and how to move forward.
EdSurge: Signs of Hope and Progress in an Angst-filled Back-to-School Season
This opinion piece offers insight into how students have adapted to their new normal of schooling, and how this will look heading back to school.
FOX News: Special education teacher shortage impacting 48 states
Every state except New Hampshire and New Mexico expect shortages in special education teachers for the 2021-2022 school year, according to a U.S. Department of Education spokesperson. Many school districts are offering incentives.
PIX 11: How the ‘COVID slide’ will impact students returning to school
Dr. Peter Faustino discusses the emotional and mental impact of students returning to school during COVID.
Penn State News: Helping special education teachers under stress
A new five-year, $4 million grant from the Institute of Educational Sciences, Penn State and Georgia State University (GSU) aims to prevent burnout through professional development.
VeryWell Health: Study: Online CBT for Depression Just as Effective as In-Person Treatment
New research finds that a popular treatment for depression—cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)–was just as effective when delivered remotely.
ARL Now: Ed Talk: The Special Education Crisis
This opinion piece provides a look into some of the struggles facing students who receive special education.