A resource for clinicians, administrators, and educators to stay in the loop on the latest news and happenings in the K-12 education space, with a special focus on special education, teletherapy, and mental health.
Yahoo! News: Children’s mental health declared a national emergency — what parents need to know
U.S. News: Talk Tool: Teletherapy Vital for Kids’ Speech Skills During COVID-19
TeachPlus: Schools Must Be Better Prepared to Serve Special Education Students
VeryWell Health: CDC: 1 in 44 American Children Are Diagnosed With Autism
VeryWell Health: How School-Based Physical Therapy Promotes Equal Access in Education
WV Public Broadcasting: Returning Home: Berkeley County Special Education Teacher Lifts Up Students With Disabilities
Radio Boston: The local staffing crisis in special ed
Youth Today: Lack of special ed teachers keeps some autistic students ill-prepared for college or work
WWNO: To provide better special education services, NOLA-PS eyes changes to funding formula
The Austin Chronicle: AISD Special Education Lawsuit Moves Forward
California Legislative Analyst’s Office: Overview of Special Education Funding Models
Flathead Beacon: A Public Education Crisis