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Free Webinars for the Education Community.
eLumanated Webinars
Here at eLuma, we are committed to giving back to the education community-at-large. One way we want to do this is by presenting regular webinars. We choose from a wide range of topics and speakers that can provide valuable insights, knowledge, and utility to the participants.
Even if you can’t attend the webinar events in real-time, we still want to give you the opportunity to see them and have made them accessible with the links below. If you have any questions, feedback or requests for future webinars, we’d love to hear from you. Just email contact@elumatherapy.com with your comments.
Don't miss our special webinar series featuring Dr. John Kelly!
- March 2 - May 11, 2022
Office Hours with Dr. John Kelly
In this special mental health webinar series we will be talking with Dr. John Kelly and mental health leaders as they address best practices in supporting mental health in K-12 schools. This is one webinar series you won’t want to miss!
Mar 2 – Dr. Charles Barrett – It’s Always About the Children: Educators Bringing Their Whole Selves to the Profession
Mar 9 – Dr. Byron McClure – How a Human-Centered Design Approach Might Transform Schools
Mar 16 – Dr. Mitchell Samet – Creating and Implementing Effective Suicide Response Practices in Schools
Mar 23 – Dr. Jack Naglieri – A Social Justice Approach to Identifying Gifted Students
Mar 30 – Dr. Kelly Vaillancourt – Strategies to Support Student and Educator Wellness
Apr 27 – Kathleen Kryza – Teach Peace: Developing Hope and Empathy in Schools and Classrooms
May 4 – Dr. Celeste Malone – Culturally Responsive Mental Health
May 11 – Dr. Katie Eklund – Universal Screening for Mental & Behavioral Health in Schools
- February 10, 2022
Building and Sustaining an Effective & Diverse Workforce
As the nation continues to face the Educator Shortage issue, Laurie VanderPloeg will discuss how to move your system from information to implementation!
Through this presentation, strategies, innovation practices, exemplar models, funding flexibilities and supporting resources will be shared — so that educators can collectively make a difference.
- January 12 - February 9, 2022
Creating Better Mental Health & Wellness in Our Schools
In this webinar series we will be talking with industry leaders as they address best practices on supporting mental health and wellness in schools.
Jan 12 – Dr. John Kelly – School-based Mental Health Services within a Multi-Tiered System of Supports Framework
Jan 19 – Dr. Eric Rossen – 8 Practices of Compassionate, Trauma-Informed Schools
Jan 26 – Dr. Peter Faustino – Autism & Mental Health: Comorbid Crossroads
Feb 2 – Benjamin S. Fernandez – Best Practices in Crisis Response in Schools
Feb 9 – Dr. Todd A. Savage – Supporting Gender Diverse Students
- October 13 - November 17, 2021
Online Therapy: From Research to Practice Webinar Series
In this webinar series we will be talking with industry leaders as they address the research and practice of online service delivery of school-based, speech-language therapy services.
Oct 13 – Sue Grogan Johnson – To Telepractice or not to Telepractice: Considerations for providing speech-language therapy online to school-age students.
Oct 22 – William Bolden III – Entering the Online Therapy Room: Best Practices for Telepractice Interventions with School Age Clients
Oct 29 – Erin Elizabeth Gill Lundblom – School Telepractice Assessment (STA): Part 1
Nov 5 – Ellen R. Cohn – School Telepractice Assessment (STA): Part 2
Nov 12 – Joneen Lowman – Panel Discussion with Teletherapists
Nov 17 – K. Todd Houston – Using Telepractice to Deliver Family-Centered Early Intervention for Children with Hearing Loss
- Friday, August 13, 2021
The Special Education Legislative Summit - A Recap
In this webinar, we are so lucky to have Phyllis Wolfram, the Executive Director of CASE, join us to report on the 2021 Special Education Legislative Summit. If you want to learn the latest in most important developments in special education, this is one event you won’t want to miss.
- Friday, July 9, 2021
Addressing Student Needs – Planning for the Transition Back to the Brick-and-Mortar School
When COVID-19 struck, many schools faced the challenge of transitioning from traditional brick-and-mortar environments to virtual environments to provide educational and mental health services to their students. As infection rates decline, schools are planning another transition – this time back to in-person learning environments. However, students will be returning to school with a variety of challenges such as trauma, mental health concerns, and academic difficulties. To efficiently address these needs schools, need to plan and prepare for the transition from the pandemic to a new normal.
The purpose of this presentation is to provide an approach for schools to triage the impact of the pandemic and develop initial intervention strategies to support the needs of returning students.
- Friday, June 11, 2021
Planning for Uncertainty: How Pandemic Anxiety is Disrupting School Systems
The impact of the COVID-19 health crisis on students’ physical and behavioral health cannot be overstated. The closure of schools has led to a loss of the 3 R’s: Relationships, Routines, and Resources for learning. Children and families have been isolated, stressed, and in so many instances traumatized by the virus’s effect on their mental health and well-being.
This presentation will provide strategies to address anxiety in young people and families, discuss school transitions, and review an MTSS framework for targeting school-based mental and behavioral health supports. Participants will be able to review resources and discuss best practices in school re-entry and recovery.
- Wednesday, May 26, 2021
Stories that Inspire Change: How to Create & Use Stories in Online Therapy
Since the dawn of civilization, people tell stories to shape the hearts and minds of each generation. Today, we can combine digital technologies with published books to drive personal growth in new ways. Stories inspire us (and our children) to learn from mistakes, choose kindness, and discover ourselves. Join eLuma Online Therapy and StoryJumper as we discuss how to use storytelling in online therapy in ways that inspire change.
- Friday, May 14, 2021
Applying a Trauma-Informed Framework to the IEP Process
This presentation will provide strategies on applying a trauma-informed approach to the entire individualized educational program (IEP) development process, including an examination of current case law. This includes the evaluation, team meetings, engaging caregivers, report writing, and the development of IEP present levels and goals. Participants will be able to discuss the relevance and appropriateness of special education services for students with trauma histories and apply trauma-informed principles to the development of present levels and goals that focus more on skill development rather than compliance.
- Friday, April 14, 2021
Interview with Dr. Cecil Reynolds
Join our discussion with Dr. Cecil Reynolds, author of the BASC-3, RIAS-2, and TOMAL-2, on the validity and adaptions of remote assessment.
About the Presenter – Cecil R. Reynolds, Ph.D., editor-in-chief, Archives of Scientific Psychology and Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Pediatric Neuropsychology research. Professor of Educational Psychology, Professor of Neuroscience, and Distinguished Research Scholar of Texas A&M University. He has authored more than 40 commercially published tests including BASC-3, RIAS-2, and TOMAL-2. He has served on the editorial boards of 13 journals and some of his select publications include Encyclopedia of Special Education 4th Edition, The Energetic Brain, and Neuropsychological Perspectives on Learning Disabilities in the Era of RTI.
- Friday, April 9, 2021
Integrating Speech Therapy in Special Education Classrooms
- Friday, February 12, 2021
The Federal Policy Picture in 2021
- New members of Congress
- The Biden Administration and education
- The stimulus package from December and what’s next
- Friday, January 22, 2021
Teletherapy in a Post-COVID World
Join eLuma and International Journal of Telerehabilitation Editor, Dr. Ellen Cohn, as they present the webinar “Teletherapy in a Post-COVID World”. This webinar will discuss the fundamentals of telerehabilitation and why it will continue to thrive in a post-COVID world.
- Friday, October 16, 2020
Embracing Change Management in Uncertain Times
Although 2020 is winding down, its legacy of uncertainty and change will continue into the foreseeable future. More than ever, educators need to be equipped with the right framework to deal with unprecedented challenges & circumstances. Come join us to hear from Mindy Hintze, a PROSCI Certified Change Management Practitioner, who has been managing change in various organizations for nearly 20 years. Mindy will break down change management into effective, actionable tasks to help you manage change in uncertain times. Effective change management takes a solid communication plan, learning opportunities, and reinforcement.
- Friday, September 18, 2020
Mindfulness in Schools: Strategies for Promoting Mental Wellness in a COVID Environment.
Join eLuma and noted school psychologist Jason Basinger as they present the webinar “Mindfulness in Schools: Strategies for Promoting Mental Wellness in a COVID Environment”. This webinar addresses the basics of mindfulness (including some short mindfulness activities), gives an overview of recent research findings, and provides practical guidance on how schools implement mindfulness activities.
- Wednesday, April 10, 2020
Online Therapy Strategies for SPED Staff
To provide FAPE, educators need strategies for differentiated and individualized online instruction. Join IDEA Illinois and eLuma as they present “Online Therapy Strategies for SPED Staff”, a special series of webinars lined up for Special Education Teachers, Speech Therapists, Occupational Therapists, and School Psychologists/Mental Health Professionals.
- Thursday, March 19, 2020
Teaching Special Education Online
CEC will partner with eLuma and present a webinar entitled, “Teaching Special Education Online During COVID-19”. The webinar will specifically focus on helping teachers: identify the necessary tools and strategies need to move instruction online, adapt traditional in-classroom lessons into meaningful online instruction, develop a strategy to ensure instructional goals are being met, and create processes to manage their instruction on an ongoing basis.
- Friday, February 8, 2019
Reinventing Special Education in 2019
Phyllis Wolfram, the president of the Council of Administrators of Special Education (CASE), will join eLuma to present a webinar entitled, “Reinventing Special Education in 2019.” The presentation will focus on the current state of special education, what national organizations like CASE & the CEC are doing to make it better, and how special educators can become more involved to make a big difference.
- Friday, Sept 21, 2018
Making Teletherapy a Viable & Long Term Solution
In this not-to-be-missed webinar, the distinguished Mary Andrianopolous, Ph.D., CCC-SLP and CEC President-elect, Mary Lynn Boscardin Ph.D., CCC-SLP, team up to share their research and expertise on teletherapy, and how to make it a viable, long-term solution in K-12 education. Dr. Andrianopoulos and Dr. Boscardin draw upon their decades of telepractice research to help special education leaders better understand the real value of teletherapy, and what can be done to ensure the greatest long-term success at schools and districts.
- Thursday, June 7, 2018
Insights from Women Leaders in Special Education
This very special webinar featured the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) President-elect, Dr. Mary Lynn Boscardin, CCC-SLP, and Dr. Kerry Weir. In their presentation, they discuss their research and insights on women & leadership in special education. Specifically, they address ideas that can help all school leaders better understand the benefit of collaborative-relational leadership when addressing many of the challenges associated with special education and education in general.
- Friday, March 16, 2018
A Special Educator’s Guide to Due Process & 504 Hearings
This not-to-be-missed webinar addresses one of the most critical and problematic areas of special education. Former CEC president, Gerald J. Hime, joins eLuma to specifically discuss what special educators can do to better understand the laws, avoid common and costly mistakes, and also more effectively navigate the legal process. With a wide range of experiences in special education and a deep understanding of the IDEA, the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the ADA, he is uniquely qualified to speak to educators and administrators to give them meaningful insight.
- Friday, August 18, 2017
How To Succeed with Online Therapy: A Newcomer’s Guide
With the growing popularity of telepractice, schools and districts all over the country are embracing it as a viable solution and discovering that it can also be quite transformative. When an online therapy solution is properly implemented, it can be a fantastic complement to virtually any on-site program — helping it achieve more efficacy and efficiency, along with a wider-range of goals and objectives. The purpose of this webinar is to help those who are considering online therapy for the first time better understand: how it works, the benefits and limitations, the costs and requirements, and what is needed to succeed.
- Friday, March 31, 2017
How Online Therapy Is Saving Special Ed Programs Thousands of Dollars
With therapist turnover on the rise along with an increasing number of vacancies, budget-strapped Special Education departments all over the country are left scrambling to provide critical services. Online therapy services provide a viable solution to help with these critical issues along with a number of unique efficiencies and benefits. In this webinar, the presenters explore and compare the real costs of onsite and online therapies to address common misconceptions as well as show how and when online therapy might actually provide savings to schools and districts.